Essential Oils Chart Printable
Essential Oils Chart Printable. Apply it to the reflex points, the areas of the feet that correspond to the parts of the body that need support. Plus, it clearly lists those oils that you absolutely want to use a carrier with.
What a great resource we are when we all contribute.
It shows how many drops of essential oil you need for the carrier oil you will be using.
Here is the list of camphoraceous and minty aromas: Bergamot Mint - Mentha Citrata Birch - Betula lenta Cajeput - Melaleuca cajuput Camphor - Cinnamomum camphora Eucalyptus (all types) Kunzea - Kunzea ambigua Laurel Leaf - Laurus nobilis - Jasmine - Juniper Berry - Key Lime - Laurel Leaf - Lavender (from Bulgaria) - Lavender (from France) - Lemon - Lemongrass - Lime - Litsea - Mandarin - Melissa - Mountain Savory - Muhuhu - Myrrh - Myrtle - Neroli - Nerolina - Niaouli - Nutmeg - Opoponax - Oregano - Palmarosa - Palo Santo - Parsley - Patchouli - Pennyroyal - Peppermint Essential Oils Benefit Chart Restful sleep, mood improvement, soothes sun-damaged skin Herbal and lightly floral Lavender Refreshing, detoxifying, astringent Fresh and fruity with a light tang Grapefruit Fresh, woody,Digestive system and spicy Ginger Relaxation, calming, mood improvement Very herbal with mint undertones Geranium Download a copy of this Bon Vital' Essential Oils Benefit Chart PDF to keep as a reference when using essential oils. Apply it to the reflex points, the areas of the feet that correspond to the parts of the body that need support. Assuming there are no safety precautions for the oil that will pertain to user, this is an easy way to safely use your essential oils!
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Donald Gearhart
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